Construction Wrapping Up!
When Stillwater Medical Center opened in 1976, robotic surgery was something from a sci-fi movie. Last year, Stillwater Medical’s first thoracic surgeon joined a local practice, partially because of the surgical robot technology available at SMC.
Ever-evolving technology often brings the need to expand and reformat facilities, and that is what Stillwater Medical is currently working on. The $30 million expansion of the surgical suite will coincide with an update to the Maternal Child Heath Unit, creating a new Women's Health Center.

Surgery Unit
$30 Million
Expanded Care:
- 22 Prep and Surgery Recovery Rooms
- 7 Operating Rooms
- 4 Patient Exam Rooms
- 2 Surgery Consultation Suites
- 1 Private Isolation and Bariatric Recovery
- Endoscopy
- Expanded Reception and Patient Waiting
Surgery at Stillwater Medical extends across multiple disciplines. Medical practices that utilize surgical areas include Stillwater Otolaryngology, Stillwater Women’s Clinic, Stillwater Urology, OrthoOklahoma, and Stillwater Surgical Associates.
The renovation of the existing 19,000 SF will be complemented by the adjacent addition of 24,400 SF of new space. The new surgical department is designed to facilitate safe, effective, and efficient care by creating areas designated as unrestricted, semi-restricted, and restricted. This continuum of care will allow staff to move patients without entering public areas and provide maximum privacy throughout every patient’s stay.
Women's Health Center (Formerly Maternal Child Health Unit)
$12 Million
Expanded Care:
- 8 Labor and Delivery Rooms
- 6 Postpartum Rooms
- 2 Individual Triage Rooms
- Expanded Reception and Waiting Room
- Expanded Holding Nursery
- On-Call Sleeping Room
Stillwater Medical’s state-of-the-art expansion of our Maternal Child Health Unit greatly increases our capacity of care. Project upgrades help meet the needs of our current and future patients, staff, and physicians. Patient rooms will have private shower facilities, updated equipment for newborn monitoring, and be larger, more inviting spaces. With this addition, the opportunity for a patient to stay in the same room from delivery to discharge will be more common, creating a better experience for new mothers and their families.
Our physicians, nurses, and staff will be able to efficiently care for even more mothers and newborn babies in 14,190 SF of new and 11,400 SF of renovated space. From patients to visitors, providers to volunteers, all will benefit from the enhancement of this important area.