2021 High School Fellowships
Availability of Program
The Foundation is not yet able to make a determination on the ability to host a summer program this year. Several factors come into play, and we are monitoring things closely.
At this time, we plan to accept applications so that we are ready to narrow the field and select recipients. The online application will be available on March 1 and will close on April 5. The scholarship committee reserves the right to amend the application deadline if needed.
Timeline May be Shortened
The fellowships normally run six weeks. However, it may be necessary to host a shorter program this year. It is also possible the program will be abbreviated, as a surge in COVID patients, or other concerns for student safety, could shut the program down with little or no notice.
Program Content May be Affected
The program normally includes the opportunity to observe surgeries, births, emergency treatment, as well as shadowing a variety of physicians. Field trips to specialized treatment centers and the two medical schools within the state are also customary parts of the fellowship program.
It is possible that the ability to complete observation/shadowing opportunities and or the field trips, in whole or in part, will be affected.
Stay Informed
Foundation staff will keep all applicants informed if/when changes to the application timeline occur. If you are a student who is considering applying, and would like to be kept up-to-date, please contact Jeffery Corbett, Senior Program Officer, by email or 405-742-5728 and he will add you to the distribution list.